Friday, 29 July 2011

Wukong is out!

So I got Wukong yesterday for the unsurprising price of 6300IP. What do I think of him? I think he's one of the most balanced and most enjoyable characters that have been released in a while. His moves synergies very well together and he get some great Nasus styled turret damage with his Q and a sheen. His W is very rewarding and fun to bait with. His E is pretty good at getting away and towards people Akali style.

The only real issue with him I have is his R and his passive. Wokong's passive feels a little weak as he's meant to be a bruiser style champion but unlike other bruisers such as Garren, he only gets 40 MR and armor and that's only where there's 5 enemies around. And his ult, which we can also compare to garrens spin to win, also feels a little weak doing less damage that Garren's E. Also, the knock up on it only happens once when it should have (in my opinion) an internal cooldown of two seconds because at the moment you only really use it for the knock up and the cancel the spell.

Even with these issues though, I still recommend him if you're looking for a really fun champion. As I said his moves work really well together and you can really pull off some crazy moves with his W and E spell. If not, wait a little while for riot to buff him.
P.S This may be a little late for American readers but what can I say, living in Europe aint great when it comes for gettingthings first.