Thursday, 9 June 2011


So what's your thoughts on the tribunal? Me. I think it's a great way of getting rid of a lot of the unwanted from the LoL community. However, I do find it a little sad to see so many bad people in this game. I mean, what do people get out of ruining the game for others? Oh well, one day I may get to push the 'pardon' button a little more.


  1. Heyyyy another LoL blog! Awesome.

    Tribunal is kinda gay, because you will be voted against even if you're innocent. Nobody is safe, because the people pressing the buzzer are 90% idiots too.

    I'm not saying I don't do it either haha.

    Nice blog, good luck with it. Take a look at mine sometime:

  2. Good point byakuya, it shouldn't really be left to the mass the decide the fate of people? :P It's really just riot being lazy

  3. Lots of e-thugs on LoL. Amazing how brazen people can be when they're protected by a computer screen.

    LoL is amazing, though.. When you weed out all the griefers and jerks..

  4. Yet another LOL blog. Excellent! Will follow :D

  5. Unfortunately I think there are bad people everywhere in the world today. LoL is no exception without proper intervention and law enforcement.

  6. Most of the assholes come from the DotA days though, where if you died even once in a "Noob Friendly" game, you were added to a ban list for intentional feeding. Now they have a prettier game, with less chance of ACTUALLY being punished, so they treat people like shit, and make smurf accounts and flaunt their skill in lvl 1-10 matches. I can't wait till I am 30 to start going Tribunal on those people.

  7. Yeah shin it's a good feelling to know you'regetting rid of some of these people.
