Thursday, 16 June 2011

Dreamhack Begins

At the 18th, Dreamhack will officially begin! I know personally I'm going to be watching every game, but who're you routing for? Personally, I'm hoping CLG will win just because HotshotGG's rants about Korea make me laugh. Not because I agree with him just because it's funny to watch him be mad.

On this subject, did anyone watch season one? I found them to be pretty good games myself, especially CLG vs EST. EST had complete controll on the first best of three and had complete barron controll and did some amazing team fights and baits. After CLG was beaten in their first match they won the first of their games and got a rematch.  They then won their rematch and well, now we get to watch Hotshot moan about Koreans while trying to win $100000


  1. Never heard of it before,
    gonna check it out!


  2. I wish I was. I'll be watching it though

  3. I agree with you, definitely CLG.
